Monday, September 29, 2008

Our First Outing

Yes, we are going to venture out today...not because I really want to , but Mom has a doctors appointment at 1 pm. It should, at the least, be interesting! I think we will stop and eat lunch somewhere. I can't get the wheelchair in my car, so I'm not sure how this is going to turn out. I do have her walker, she can sit on it and I can push her, but not through parking lots, etc. We'll manage...I am sure she will be so tired when we get home that she will sleep for hours!
Speaking of sleeping, she is still in la la land...I think this is night 3 or 4 where she has slept without getting up. Well, if you can count yesterday, when Tim got up at 6 am and looked in at her. She was on her knees by the side of the bed. It brought back memories of when as a child I would look in her and dad's room and they would be by their bedside, praying. Well, I don't think that was Mom's intentions this time. She must have slide out of bed and got in that position. I know she hadn't been there long, I had just looked in on her at 5 pm. Anyway, Tim got her back in bed and she went back to sleep for 3 more hours. She was really out of it yesterday afternoon, but I discovered something important. If I respond to her with agitation, she picks up on that and responds in the same way. If I can just walk away and stay calm, then she, in turn, stays calm. Learning everyday!

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