Friday, September 26, 2008


After a wonderful day yesterday and a night of 7 hours of uninterupted sleep, the day today has been a day of confusion. Mom was okay when she woke up this morning at 5 am, just a little confused, but she was cooperative. She ate her breakfast, all of it and took a little morning nap. But the confusion stayed with her. She didn't understand why she had to take her pills and kept trying to get me to take them. She did well with the bathroom, but wanted to mess with everythng within her reach while sitting there. I had to move everything out of her reach! She had the air freshener spraying it and then tried to get the unmovable lid off. She was like a 2 or 3 year old. Lunch was good, again she ate everything I put in front of her and then I offered her a piece of cake, which she ate right down! Her pills were an issue again, but she only had one and she did take it. She watched me scrapbook for about 20 minutes, then started calling me Betsy. I ask her if she knew who I was. She stared at me and said you are my daughter. I asked her my name. She is pretty savy when it comes to avoiding questions she has no answer to. She told me that my name is whatever is in the front of my book. I assume that meant my baby book! So we went through some names. Finally,I told her my name is Debbie. Okay she said, I believe you. Wow, she really didn't know, but rather than have to think about it,she just accepted what I told her. Why? What happened between yesterday and today? Why can she figure out things that are a little complex, but she can't remember my name? Today, when she woke up, she was seeing her surroundings for the first time, again. She had no idea where she was. She told me she was going to get ready and go to church. Maybe, tomorrow will be better. I was planning to take her out today, but I am afraid to. There's always tomorrow!

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