Saturday, October 11, 2008

All is Quiet...For Now

Mom seemed to be "out of it" most of the day today. She never really seemed to get her bearings like she usually does, by mid-morning. She ate well and drank water and juice and took her meds. But she didn't seem like she understood much of anything I said to her. After supper, I took her to her room and got her in her gown (last night she slept in her clothes.) Tim had just gotten home with her sleeping pills, so I gave her the sleeping pill, she crawled into bed and we haven't heard from her since. Actually, I do hear her breathing on the baby monitor, but she hasn't been up. Last night she was up messing around about every two hours. Hard to get a good nights sleep doing that. I think she was just tired today and she didn't nap any this afternoon either. She loves to watch the nursing home they never had it on for her, so all she did was sleep. Maybe I should turn it off in the afternoon to see if she'll take a little nap. She really does sleep better at night, if she has had a nap in the afternoon. Well, I am going to take this opportunity to get a bit of sleep myself. I don't usually go to bed until 1 or 2 am. She is changing my life! That's okay...I really wouldn't have it any other way!

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