Thursday, October 23, 2008

And it continues

The night didn't get much better. At midnight Mom was still awake and trying to get up. At one point, she unfastened the tabs on her underwear and took them off and threw them on the floor. (At least they were clean!) She told me she was waiting for Gerald. Up until then, I could not get her to take those stinkin' Tylenol. So I went in and got a Lunesta and told her Gerald wanted her to take that before he got there. She took it! Okay, maybe another deceptive way to get her to do something she doesn't want to do! Finally, around 3 am, she fell asleep enough that I got a couple hours of sleep. She was awake at 6:30 am! She was trying to take her underwear off again, so I used packing tape on them. Unique, huh? Anyway, I think she may be back to sleep, but who knows how long. I am hoping the home health aide comes today and I might be able to go downstairs and take a shower.

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