Thursday, October 23, 2008

No Sleep

Shortly after I thought Mom was asleep for the night, she woke up. I convinced her to take two Tylenol PM. She couldn't understand that she needed to swallow them and finally said to me, "Do you want me to make them disappear?" I said yes, so she took another drink and swallowed them. She laid back down for about 5 minutes and got up again. This time I took her in the living room, where she sit in her chair with the foot rest propped up so she couldn't get up, for two hours. Keep in mind, I started trying to get her in bed at around 6:30 pm. Now at 1:30 am she is still awake. I had to move the light by the chair...she kept trying to turn it on. Finally, I went in the kitchen, stuck another Lunesta in applesauce and gave it to her. Then I walked her back to bed, where at this time- 2 am- she is snoring...again. The first Lunesta I gave her was 8 hours ago! Obviously, those do not work or she needs a larger dose. Whatever. I do hope the new sleeping meds work. Tomorrow at this time I hope I am asleep. Because if I'm asleep, Mom's asleep. Which will make all of us happy!

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