Thursday, October 23, 2008

These are trying times

I lost my "blog" for disappeared from my dashboard. But what was once lost is now found! I have had a very trying evening again. I called the doctor's office early this morning, so he could call in a new script for sleeping pills for Mom, but that didn't happen until 6 pm, after the pharmacy closed. Real helpful, right? Anyway, Mom did take her pills tonight with no problem, but got stubborn shortly after, refusing to get her gown on, refusing to go to the bathroom, refusing everything! She was sitting on the bed and got up to get her nightgown, which she already had on, bent down to pick up a napkin from the floor and promptly fell over, hitting her mouth on a metal shelving unit. Thankfully she didn't bleed, but bruised her arm. After getting her back on the bed, she wanted to tell me that I boss her around too much. Duh! Anyway, after about 15-20 minutes of waiting for her to cooperate, she finally decided to lay down. She kissed me, told me she loved me and I left the room. Too bad it didn't end there. She has been up twice now, and is laying in there talking to whoever is in her room. She sees Barry every night (according to her and she also sees Gerald, who told her that the doctor didn't tell her she had to be in bed by a certain time!) I don't know what has caused this sudden behavior, except she does feel better, so she is her stubborn self and the doctor told me that I didn't need to give her one of her Alzheimer meds. I am starting her back on that tomorrow, along with the new pill the doctor called in. Maybe those two things together will make a difference. During the day, she is the sweetest little lady, but after 5:30 pm she changes so dramatically. I knew this wouldn't be easy, and it hasn't been, but it has been doable. These nights are making it hard. I really do want her to stay her through Christmas, but if the nights don't get better, she may be headed back to the nursing home. I knew from the beginning that this was temporary, but I sure wanted it to last longer than this. Barry and Carla are going to come out Monday around 5 or 6 to see what they can do. Maybe I just don't do something right. The good news right now is I hear her snoring on the baby monitor. There is no sound like it! It is good.

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