Thursday, October 2, 2008

Confusion Abounds in Springport

We had a couple of good days, but last night, she went from pleasantly confused to just plain confused! She was tired around 8 pm so I thought it would be a good time to help her get ready for bed. It took me at least 10 minutes to convince her to get up from her chair. She analyzed every thing in the living room, to determine if it were on or off, tried to convince me that the front door was opened and wanted to take her purse to bed. Okay the purse thing was reasonable. She doesn't go anywhere without it. So I got it for her, but she didn't think it was hers, even though it has her name on it. So I opened it and inside found she had put the box of Kleenex in there! She has been fascinated by them...she had opened them from the bottom a couple of days ago, so I taped the box shut, opened them properly and set them by her. So she had opened the box this time from the side and stuck them in her purse. She is so much like a child. I really do have to "watch" her! Anyway, I got her to the bathroom, got a gown on her and led her to her room. She sat down on the bed, chattering about...well, I don't really know. Everything was jumbled in her mind. I finally convinced her to lay down, which she did and she went right to sleep. But around midnight, she was up...and I couldn't convince her that she needed to go back to bed. She still has that stubborn streak, and I got a lot of jumbled words about people bossing others around. Guess that was directed to me. She wasn't going to lay down, but she did sit on the bed. I gave her a sleeping pill, hoping to buy me a couple hours of sleep. So then I just turned the light off and sat in the chair in her room. She, of course, immediately forgot I was in the room. She sat there for about 5 minutes, then laid down, covered up and went to sleep. Then at 7 am she was up messing with the baby monitor in her room. I walked in and she was sitting on the end of the bed, trying to take the monitor apart! She had the closet door opened, so I knew she was looking for the bathroom. I took her in there...too late, got her cleaned up and now she is sleeping in the recliner in the living room. That is after she told me, she had been getting things down from the attic! Oh well, I guess this is par for the course. I am going out to the kitchen to make breakfast, maybe that will help. I know it won't hurt!

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