Monday, October 13, 2008

Third Good Day...But Who's Counting?

Yes, another good day in "make-believe land!" Mom went to bed last night at 6:30ish and I didn't hear from her until 6:15 am. She got up to use the bathroom, so I made her breakfast..okay, she wanted sugar cream pie! No sense in arguing with her. She did eat all of her pie, drank a whole glass of cranberry juice and drank a cup of coffee. Then she decided that, since it was still dark outside,she would go back to bed. So she did and slept for another couple of hours. When she got up for the second time, she watched game shows for awhile, then the visiting nurse came and spent some time with her. By then, Mom wanted lunch, so this time, she had meatloaf, mac & cheese, applesauce, bread and juice. She cleaned up her plate, as usual then I needed to make sure she got dressed. The therapist will be here soon. After she got dressed, by herself this time, she thought her bed looked pretty good, so she is taking a nap right now. She remembered the nurse and she has known me all day. The only really wacky comment she made was at breakfast, when I asked her if she wanted to watch the news. She said, "Well, if he wants to." I said, "Who is he?" She looked at me and said, "Your dad, silly." I just told her that I didn't think Dad would care what we watched and that was okay with her. She does live in the moment, wherever her mind has transported her to is where she is at. We just work with that. Sometimes the fantasy world is easier to handle that the real world. We'll take what we get!

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