Saturday, October 4, 2008

A Night Out!

Thanks to Barry, Carla, Lauren, Bella, Tina and Ryan I got a much needed night out! I took myself to the Outback and had a filet mignon! There was an hour wait and I really didn't want to waste that hour waiting, so I sat at the bar. Not a bar table, but AT THE BAR! I watched a football game, and listened to 5 pilots from Fishers talk about their airplanes. They were waiting for a table. They were in Muncie for some sort of meeting. It was just nice to get out and listen to people who actually made sense! Stopped at Walmart to get childproof doorknob covers and some snacks, ran into an old friend and talk to her for 20 minutes. Then home again. They had Mom in her room and in bed, but when I looked in on her, she seemed stressed. She could hear people outside her room and it bothered her. For the first time since she's been here, she wanted to lock her door. It took me awhile, but I finally got her settled down and in to bed to stay. She is asleep now and I hope she has a good night's rest. Anyway, thanks, you guys for coming to visit so I could get away. Maybe we'll have another party sometime in the future!

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