Sunday, October 26, 2008

Busy All the Time

I don't have much time to sit and blog now, Mom is very mobile and I have to watch her like a hawk! I told her yesterday, that I have to watch her like a hawk and she looked at me and said "Don't call me a hawk." Oh, well. She is constantly talking about going home. Her big thing today is that her uncle is coming to see her. So I told her that when her uncle comes, he can take her home. That made her happy. Made me happy too, until I realized who her uncle is she is waiting for. UNCLE TIM! She keeps talking about Uncle Tim and that she is going home with him. She also told me there's nothing "funny" going on with them, he is just her uncle! Whew! That made me feel better! So I had to call Tim and tell him not to come home for awhile. He was going to see his mom at the hospital, then go to the garage anyway! He thought that was pretty funny that he was her uncle! Now she is going through her purse, trying to find money for a ticket home. Don't know what the ticket is for- train, plane, automobile- she can't tell me that. She asked how much the ticket was and I told her $400. Just another Alzheimer Lie! Tim said he hopes that I don't get used to lying. Well, I try to exaggerate my lies just so they can't be believable to the "normal" people. Oh, I am surrounded by the not so normal people. I thought I would clip Sterling, so I got started, Mom was watching me at the kitchen table. She got bored with that and wondered off. So now I have a dog that is partially clipped- back first, so he looks like a small, black lion. I called today about adult daycare...for Mom, not me. I think I will try to take her a couple times a week for a couple hours at a time. Maybe she needs something more than I can give her. I know what she did in the nursing home and I think we do alot more here than she did there. Maybe I should turn the TV off and just let her lay around doing nothing. I know they kept her from wandering by tying her in her wheelchair. Daily, for hours at a time. I just can't do that. I did tie a piece of material around her the other day in her wheelchair, so I could take a shower. She didn't even know it was there. She was watching TV. She has fallen 3 times since Diana left. Her face looks so much better, from where she hit the wall. Her black eyes have turned yellow and her scab is looking better. She didn't hurt herself the 3 times that she fell, but it is just unnerving. And I can't tell her anything, because she gets mad at me. So I will be very busy for the next few weeks. I don't think the medicine the doctor gave her has done one thing to help. We'll just bear with it for awhile to see if she gets better.

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