Tuesday, October 28, 2008

All is Quiet

Mom had a pretty good day today...She still can't walk well and spent a good part of the day in her bed. Sometimes sitting up, sometimes trying to get up and sometimes lying down. Since putting the bed directly on the floor, it is almost impossible for her to stand up from there. She did it though, once yesterday! Thankfully, I heard lots of movement and went in to sit her back down before she tried taking any steps. She really has trouble right now. Omar, her therapist, will be here tomorrow, so we will see how it goes. I got her in the wheelchair for supper, which she ate pretty good. Then I wheeled her in the living room, where she watched Andy Griffith DVD's while Tim and I ate in the kitchen. After we ate we sit in the living room with her and she looked at me after about 20 minutes and said I'm tired and think I want to go to bed. Wow! So I wheeled her in to her room and Tim helped me get her in bed. I covered her up, gave her a kiss and she was asleep before I left the room! She is on pain meds, a sedative (at night) and then a sleeping pill. That would be enough to knock out an elephant! She really needs to keep off her leg until it feels better, but I am afraid that she will have to start all over getting her strength back. She seems to be having a more restful sleep than she has had for awhile. She is not talking to "people" all night. And she is not snoring as much, so therefore not waking herself up. It is quiet in here, except for her breathing. And that's a good thing.

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