Thursday, October 9, 2008

My Mom is back...for awhile

After last night, I really wasn't sure what to expect this morning. Would she forget she wanted to go home? Would she still be agitated at me? She woke up at 6:30 am. I heard her moving about, so I went to she what was going on. She was sitting on the bed, with one shoe on. I ask her if she was getting up and wanted something to eat. She thought for a minute, ask what time it was and decided it was just too early to get up and then laid back down, saying she was going back to sleep. I told her I would come and check on her later, she told me to be careful, she loved me and then she went back to sleep. Wow! This Alzheimer's thing is really freaky. Anyway, at 9 am she got up, I helped her to the bathroom, changed her Depends and got her dressed. She sat at the kitchen table, where she literally inhaled a big cheese danish, a glass of cranberry juice and a cup of coffee. She took her pills, with no problem and now she is snoozing in her chair. The home health aid will be by at noon, and I will go to Walmart and get her a new bra. She has a doctors appointment today, and I don't want her to go without one. Last night as she was finally getting ready to go to bed, she looked down in her shirt and said, "I don't have a bra on. Maybe that's what's wrong with me." She realizes that she "isn't right" and I think it really does scare her. It is heartbreaking to me to think she believes her problems can be solved with a bra. If only life were that simple.

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