Thursday, October 9, 2008

Good Day Out

Mom had a doctors appointment today, so we ventured out. We ended up at Mac's for biscuits and gravy, but they had stopped serving them before we got there. Mom got a cheeseburger and fries and ate every last bite! Then I took her for a short ride, it was so beautiful today and we ended up at the doctors office. Everything was going as expected for an 81 year old Alzheimer patient. She had gained 4 pounds since moving in with me. Good for her, bad for me! The doctor seemed more concerned with my health then hers. I am doing well, at least I feel like I'm doing okay. Anyway, he wants to see her again in two months, unless something else comes up. He said her bad nights are the Alzheimer's and gave me a couple of suggestions. It didn't take too long to get her to bed tonight, she didn't fight me at all. She was just busy watching tv. She was dwelling on someone or something getting killed...before she went to sleep, I finally listened to the things she was saying...she talked about someone killing deer. Then I realized she had seen that on the Waltons. Okay, no more Waltons! Seems like game shows are the only safe thing she can watch, that doesn't upset her. She has trouble distinguishing what is real and what is not. I am going to look for some "bird" videos or animal video's (some where they don't get killed.) She enjoyed the birds at the nursing home, but I refuse to get birds!! I tried Cabot's Sesame Street videos,but those seems to stress her. I guess seeing a big yellow bird and a huge blue fuzzy monster would tend to confuse the already confused! I'll figure something out, but if anyone has any suggestions, they would be so much appreciated! I am pretty tired tonight, so I will write more tomorrow!

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